So it’s been about 2 months since I last updated my blog and wrote an entry. But this time I do really have an excuse. I’ve just been so engrossed in life!

Don’t judge me internet for not signing up to facebook till last month but yeah, that’s what I did. And I have to say… I didn’t know what I was missing. 

Also I recently started working full time so I had hardly any time on my hands for writing or anything else, though I did manage to start up a cover making forum on the NaNo website (See my October 06 post on the NaNo Tab above to see more on this).

 But most of all, what I wanted to talk about was that over the last few weeks since I started work I’ve been catching up on my reading (since the bus ride to and from work is so long). Last week I read and finished the “Uglies” Series by Scott Westerfeld and was absolutely blown away by it. 

The character development and the world building that Scott Westerfeld has done with his world is amazing. I recently found out that he also wrote a steampunk series so that’s next on my list of “To read”. 

I think Westerfeld’s portrayal of the protagonist, Tally Youngblood, is very realistic and very appealing to not only teen but young adults and adults too. She’s just so confused and whatever she tries to do seems to have double meaning. There’s betrayal, secret organizations, mind experimentation, young love, love triangles and revolution. Everything a good dystopian YA novel needs.

 I’d definitely recommend them to anyone. And as a footnote I have my sister to thank for buying me this series.  Thanks a bunch Sis.

 So briefly, here’s me saying that over the next few weeks I am going to be a little more active and try and post a few more blogs. I’m tempted to say that I’ll be posting one a week but I won’t dig myself into a hole by saying how frequently I’ll be doing it.

Anyway, here’s me signing on and letting the world know that I’m not dead. xD

    Current Favourite Book....

             by Scott Westerfeld

    Out of Inspiration

    'Out of Inspiration' is a special section of my website set aside to discuss any ideas or inspiration that I've had.

    About the Author

    Young though I am, I can proudly say that I am an Author. I have written two
    novels so far and at the moment am writing my first sequel. The Ashford Legacy.

    Book Ratings

    Utopia              ~  4 STARS
    The Hunger Games ~ 5 STAR
    Catching Fire  ~ 4 STARS
    Mockingjay      ~ 3 STARS
    Delerium          ~ 4 STARS
    Pandemonium ~ 3 STARS
    Requiem          ~ 1 STAR
    Across the Universe ~ 5 STAR
    UGLIES           ~ 5 STARS
    PRETTIES       ~ 4 STARS
    SPECIALS       ~ 5 STARS
    EXTRAS          ~ 4 STARS
    The Host


    December 2013
    October 2013
    July 2013
    May 2013
    April 2013


    My Novels