So it’s been about 2 months since I last updated my blog and wrote an entry. But this time I do really have an excuse. I’ve just been so engrossed in life!

Don’t judge me internet for not signing up to facebook till last month but yeah, that’s what I did. And I have to say… I didn’t know what I was missing. 

Also I recently started working full time so I had hardly any time on my hands for writing or anything else, though I did manage to start up a cover making forum on the NaNo website (See my October 06 post on the NaNo Tab above to see more on this).

 But most of all, what I wanted to talk about was that over the last few weeks since I started work I’ve been catching up on my reading (since the bus ride to and from work is so long). Last week I read and finished the “Uglies” Series by Scott Westerfeld and was absolutely blown away by it. 

The character development and the world building that Scott Westerfeld has done with his world is amazing. I recently found out that he also wrote a steampunk series so that’s next on my list of “To read”. 

I think Westerfeld’s portrayal of the protagonist, Tally Youngblood, is very realistic and very appealing to not only teen but young adults and adults too. She’s just so confused and whatever she tries to do seems to have double meaning. There’s betrayal, secret organizations, mind experimentation, young love, love triangles and revolution. Everything a good dystopian YA novel needs.

 I’d definitely recommend them to anyone. And as a footnote I have my sister to thank for buying me this series.  Thanks a bunch Sis.

 So briefly, here’s me saying that over the next few weeks I am going to be a little more active and try and post a few more blogs. I’m tempted to say that I’ll be posting one a week but I won’t dig myself into a hole by saying how frequently I’ll be doing it.

Anyway, here’s me signing on and letting the world know that I’m not dead. xD

So here I am again with another book review. This time I will be talking about Beth Revis’ “Across the Universe”.
I was very excited to read this book, after waiting a few weeks for it to arrive and so once started it was determined to take my time and enjoy the story.
Yeah, that really worked! I started reading it and couldn’t put it
down. I finished it within 2 days and am absolutely dying to read the next instalment in the story. 
The character were very VERY well written and the descriptions were amazing. I’ve never been one for Science-Fiction but this was great! Beth Revis really made me see and believe where she had set the characters.

The plot was very well paced and just right for the two main characters. A theme of suspense and decent runs through the whole book gracefully and climaxes to an amazing and totally unexpected finale at the end.
I absolutely loved this book and can’t wait to read the next one. Beth Revis has such a way of writing that I really want to imitate, and as of now is my all time favourite author.
So after reading this book I’m giving it a rating of 5 STARS! I’d definitely recommend anyone reading it. I was thoroughly surprised by what it was like even though I’m not a fan of Sci-Fi. 

Must Read! You won’t be disappointed!

After reading the Delierium and Pandemonium books by Lauren Oliver couldn't wait for the third and last book of the series to be released. I waited patiently for months and as soon as it came out in my local library I was there to snatch it up. 

I took it home and read it within two days. I was not impressed.

I was expecting a dramatic climax and finale in the last book of the trilogy. The first book was full of suspense and tension and the second resolved some of it but then created even more tension and question that needed to be answered. Therefore when I read Requiem I was expecting my questions to be answered in way that would entertain and fulfil my needs as a reader.

Instead, when I read Requiem, I found it hard to follow, slow to get to any kind of action, and the characters were very feeble, weak and the dialogue even more so.

Another thing that almost made me put the book down a few times was the fact that she refers to the Cured as "Zombies". Though Lauren Oliver may be trying to appeal to the masses with this word association, not all the masses appreciate that wording.

In short I would not recommend reading this book. I really looked forwards to reading it and it let me down. I won't say "never read it", as many people need the answers to certain questions raised in the book, but I do not rate it highly. Don't expect much from this book if you decide to read it.

On the other hand, I read the write-up for this book and instantly wanted to read it. It took me three months to get my hands on but now that I've started it I don't know why it's not as popular as the Hunger Games. 

The storyline, characters, descriptions and dialogue are all amazing and gripping. It took me three tries to put the book down earlier and go eat something before I passed out.

I know that it is part of a trilogy and so wonder if the other two books are like the delirium trilogy or more like The Hunger Games? 

My take on the Hunger Games may be different from everyone else's but in my opinion I found the first book amazing, the second great but the third a little slow and hard to follow.

The story remained well written and in actuality, I enjoyed that series a lot. And not to give away any spoilers to anyone who's not read the series, it has a good ending (though some readers don't like it).

It remains to be seen weather Across the Universe is as good as it seems. For now though I'm going to divulge my inner fantasies and delve back into the pages of this book.

Let me know what your take on all the books I've mentioned are in the comments below.

So all in all I rate this book as a 1 STAR and will definitely NOT recommend it to anyone

After finishing with Camp NaNo for the month of April I tried to stop myself
from editing the draft I had written by doing some other creative writing. I
tend to research until the sun comes up but then never get to writing anything
with that research in hand. So I decided to start writing from imagination and
on a random topic and inevitably fell into the snare of research. 

I love reading dystopian books and recently read quite a few of them. I'm still waiting to read "Requiem" by Lauren Oliver and the book of the movie "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer (which I just borrowed from the library a few minutes ago and can't wait to read xD) {* listed in Read More as Photo Gallery}
I decided I wanted to use ideas I'd come up with ages ago and locked away for specific reasons in this Dystopian book and then came upon a photo on the wonderful Wide Web of a Utopian Society concept art. I looked at similar photos and finally came up with a short story/ novelette idea which would start out at Utopian but then turn Dystopian. The storyline worked but then I remembered that while watching one of my favourite films - Ever After - that Drew Barrymore (aka. Danielle) was given a book by her 'father' called Utopia. I recalled that it was written by Thomas More and yesterday I found it as an audiobook at Learn Out Loud.com.
(** See Read More)

I downloaded a few audiobooks and finally listened to Utopia last night in front of the cosy fire in my living room. The book is very unusually written but very easy to get engrossed in.

Utopia is a work of fiction and political philosophy by Thomas More published in 1516 written as a frame story (*** See Read More). The ideas and ideals put forth in the book are very forceful and very well described. It's a strange book but one that I would gladly read again. I have never read a book that old but the way that it is written is just so captivating and beautiful that I couldn't stop listening to it. It helped me greatly to have it as an audio book, as when I do read I tend to run away with my imagination and forget what I've just read, but with the audiobook I was able to close my eyes and imagine this perfect
fictional society.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is looking for something interesting to read. It is so good and now has given me some great founding for my short story/novelette. But by the time I eventually get round to writing this shorter story July will most probably be here and I'll be able to unleash the dogs of war and set to work on Part II of the Ashford Legacy. Oh well. Off to the word processor I go...

    Current Favourite Book....

             by Scott Westerfeld

    Out of Inspiration

    'Out of Inspiration' is a special section of my website set aside to discuss any ideas or inspiration that I've had.

    About the Author

    Young though I am, I can proudly say that I am an Author. I have written two
    novels so far and at the moment am writing my first sequel. The Ashford Legacy.

    Book Ratings

    Utopia              ~  4 STARS
    The Hunger Games ~ 5 STAR
    Catching Fire  ~ 4 STARS
    Mockingjay      ~ 3 STARS
    Delerium          ~ 4 STARS
    Pandemonium ~ 3 STARS
    Requiem          ~ 1 STAR
    Across the Universe ~ 5 STAR
    UGLIES           ~ 5 STARS
    PRETTIES       ~ 4 STARS
    SPECIALS       ~ 5 STARS
    EXTRAS          ~ 4 STARS
    The Host


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